Governor Beshear created “Healthy at Work.” This is a phased approach to reopen Kentucky’s economy. Healthy at Work is based on criteria set by public health experts and advice from industry experts. Phase 1 is a state-readiness evaluation. Phase 2 is business-readiness evaluation. This phased approach will ensure the Commonwealth’s citizens can safely return to work while still protecting the most vulnerable Kentuckians.
Information for businesses from the Healthy at Work website can be found on the links below.
Healthy at Work Overview | Industry Groups and Trade Association Submissions | Individual Business Submission | FAQ | Contact
In addition to releasing the Healthy at Work criteria, the Governor’s office also released the following benchmarks to begin opening the state back up.
Benchmarks for Reopening Economy COVID-19 in Kentucky
- 14 days of decreasing cases
- Increased testing capacity and contact tracing
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) availability
- Ability to protect at-risk populations
- Ability to social distance and follow the CDC’s guidelines on large gatherings
- Preparedness for possible future spike
- Status of vaccine and treatment
After the Governor determines all benchmarks have been met, Kentucky will begin Phase 2 of Healthy at Work. In Phase 2, the Governor will evaluate economic sectors and individual businesses’ ability to safely reopen and gradually begin authorizing certain business sectors to reopen while still maintaining appropriate health and safety measures.
While every business will have a very different plan, there are some key guidelines that the state requires to reopen per their Healthy at Home website. These key guidelines are:
- Phased Employee Return
- Safety Officer Designation
- Required Telework Where Feasible
- Limit Face-to-Face Meetings
- Close Common Areas (i.e. – cafeterias, break rooms, etc.)
- Supply Employees with List of Available Leave Options (i.e. – sick, on-call, emergency sick leave, paid time off, etc.)
- Minimize Non-Essential Travel (adhere to CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel)
- Supply PPE to Employees (masks, gloves, face protection (no N-95))
- Mandate Employees and Customers Wear Masks (cloth is allowed)
- Conduct Employee Health Checks
- Temperature Test Each Employee Each Day
- Screen Employees for Exposure to Positive COVID-19 Persons
- Sanitize the Environment in the Workplace in Accordance with CDC Guidance
- Make Special Accommodations for Personnel Who are Vulnerable Populations (elderly, immunocompromised, or chronic disease)
- Report Positive Tests to Kentucky Department of Public Health or Local Health Department
As the state begins to roll out requirements for each industry to open we will add them here.
Minimum Requirements for All Businesses
Manufacturing | Construction | Dealerships | Tanning Salons
Office-Based Business | Horse Racing | Photography | Tattoo Parlors
Pet Grooming and Boarding | Places of Worship | Government Agencies & Agencies
Funeral and Memorial Service | Retail | Bars and Restaurants
Barbershops/Cosmetology/Hair Salons | Massage Therapy | Nail Salons
Childcare (In-Home) | Childcare (Center-Based/Day Camps)
Auto/Dirt Track Racing | Aquatic Centers | Bowling Alleys | Fitness Centers
Movie Theaters | Youth Sports (Low Touch) | Youth Sports (Expanded Activities)
Educational and Cultural Activities| Horse Shows | Public Swimming and Bathing Facilities
Venues and Event Spaces | Groups of 50 People or Fewer | Auction Houses
In an effort to help businesses reopen we have compiled the following information. This information should allow businesses to build their own Healthy at Work plan to be submitted to the state for reopening.
Guidance to Reference for Reopening Your Business
These articles have information and recommended guidance that could assist an employer start to build their own.
- White House Guidelines for Opening Up America Again
- U.S. Employer Guidance for Reopening the Workplace
- 10 Considerations for Transitioning Back to Work in a Post COVID-19 World
- The Reopening Playbook: What US Employers Should be Thinking About
- Practical Considerations for Employers Preparing “Return to Office” Plans
- CDC Guidance on Returning to Work
- A Common Sense Guide to Returning to Work
Designing a Post COVID-19 Office Reference Material
To help insure that businesses are using proper social distancing and following CDC guidelines we’ve collected the below reference materials on how offices could look.
- Designing the Post COVID-19 Workplace
- 10 Ways COVID-19 Could Change Office Design
- Post COVID-19: Office Design and Market
- Our Offices Will Never Be the Same After COVID-19. Here’s What They Could Look Like.
- How the COVID-19 Pandemic Will Change the Built Environment
- This is the End of the Office as we Know It
Pandemic Preparedness Resource Material
While many businesses may already have pandemic preparedness plans as part of their Emergency and Crisis Plans, many of those were developed to prepare for, or respond to, an influence (flu) pandemic. COVID-19 spreads much like the flu, but reviewing the below information and guidance could help to either create or update pandemic preparedness plans for your business.
- Business Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist
- Kentucky Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan
- CDC Pandemic Preparedness Resources
- OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
- Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the Americans with Disability Act
- Sample Pandemic Preparedness Questions
Human Resources and Current Legislation Information
- SHRM Coronavirus and Covid-19 Resources
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Employers Can Screen for COVID-19
- Kentucky Leave Laws
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide employees with paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. The Department of Labor’s (Department) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) administers and enforces the new law’s paid leave requirements. These provisions will apply from the effective date through December 31, 2020.
- What Does a Safety Officer Do in a Workplace?
- Developing Effective Safety Management Programs
- Making Workplace-Safety Committees Work
- 4-Step Plan for Handling Confirmed COVID-19 Cases When Your Business Reopens
General Hygiene Information
Information on Sanitizing and Disinfecting Your Workplace
- CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
- Disinfectants for Use against SARS-CoV-2
- CDC Detailed Disinfection Guidance for Community Facilities
- CDC Detailed Disinfection Guidance for Transport Vehicles
- OSHA Control and Prevention
Travel and Hospitality Industry
- Coronavirus disease 2019 information for travel (CDC)
- Interim guidance for ships on managing suspected coronavirus disease 2019 (CDC)
- 2019 novel coronavirus: interim health guidance from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for air carriers and crew (CDC, Feb 20, 2020)
- Information and guidance about global travel on cruise ships, including river cruises, due to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (CDC)
Shipping, Freight, and Logistics
Food Service Industry
Where You Can Acquire PPE for Your Business
- 502 Hemp Wellness Center is selling hand sanitizer for business and individual use. Contact Dee Dee Taylor at 502-654-7100.
- The Kentucky Chamber has set up an online portal in connection with the state where businesses of all sizes can purchase masks.
- My Healthy US is selling non-medical masks, gloves, shields, and COVID-19 quick tests. Contact Dale Clemons at 813-516-9225 or
- Kentucky Chamber and Kentucky Distillers have produced hand sanitizer for businesses of all sizes to purchase online.
- Signarama Louisville East is making acrylic shields and sanitation stands for businesses you can contact them at 502-454-4321.
- Terminix Commercial is offering their Disinfectix Service which includes cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing to set this up for your company contact Dennis Lejong at 502-803-5573 or
- Neill-Vielle Supply Co. is producing hand sanitizer and masks. Contact Michelle Ray at (502) 379-8629 or